Gallistel Perfecto

Making Connections

Connections are things that you can relate to with what you are reading. Good readers use connections to help them get a grasp of what they are reading. There are three ways to make connections.


Text-to-Self connections are connections you make from you life experiences and what is happening in the story.


Text-to-Text connections are connections you make between anothor story and the one you are reading.


Text-to-World connection are connections you make between world issues and what is happening in the stofy.

Asking Questions

Asking questions will lead you to fully understanding what you are reading and to what is happening in the book.
Here are some common questions you can ask yourself when you're reading something-
Am I getting this?
Why did this happen and how?
What time period is this happening in?
What is the character doing and why?


Summarizing is an important tool used to take the most important datails of a passage and put them together. It's just a short version of what you have read. When summarizing you have to include the who, what, where, when, why, and how. A summary is done correctly when it is terse and includes the main ideas. Leave out unimportant details that were discussed in the passage in the summary.
Steps to identify the topic-
Look at the title
Look at the first and last paragraphs
Ask yourself "what is being disscussed through the whole selection?"
Look at captions, pictures, words in bold,and headings for clues to the topic
After your done writing a summary evaluate it ask yourself these questions-
If I didn't read the text but read my summary would I understand everything?
Is there important details that should be added or unimportant ones that should be left out?

Monitoring  Comprehension

  •  When you monitor something you watch it closely for purpose of control, to keep track of and to check continually.
  • Knowing this how would you monitor what you're reading?
  • In relation to monitoring comprehension it is the ability of a reader to be aware , while reading wether a text is making sense or not.  
 Fix-up Strategies-
    1.Reread (sentence, paragraph, etc.)  
    2.Read ahead then come back 
    3. Adjust reading rate (slow down if you're reading too fast)
    4.Think about your purpose for reading
    5.Stop and check your understanding
    6.Use context clues  
Here are some times where I have used all of the reading strategies i disscused,
In the book Monster by Walter Dean Myers I made a lot of connectiions.
Text-to-Self:In the novel Steve was accussed of doing something he didn't. That reminded me of when I snuck ito my grandma's store and stole a chocolate bar. Well, my grandma thought it was my cousin because he was more devious than I was and older (Iwas 6 years old he was 9). He said it was me which was true but she didn't believe him. In the end my dad paid for the chocolate bar.
Text-to-Text:Like Steve An old man in a book called December Stillness is accussed of doing and being something he that isn't true.
Text-to-World:In the world there is a lot of violence and crime accuments like in Monster.
Asking Questions-
In the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley there were many confusing sections and I was forced to ask questions and reread some parts to fully comprehend them. Like in the end a main character, John dies and at first I din't realize that but in the end pieced it together.
summarize Brave New World. It's about a "utopian" version of London. This man named John arrives with the help of Bernard. When John's mother Linda dies from an overdose of soma a type of drug there he loses his mind. John heads over to the leader, Mustapha Mond's office and starts complaining that the world is too advanced and to change it. He is then sent to an island and then commits suicide because of people coming to the island and treating him like an animal.
Monitoring Comprehension-
In the book The Stranger by Albert Camus I sometimes though the book wasn't making sense in some parts. So I didn't know this but I was actually using monitioring comprehension. I reread some parts, read slower when I hought I was reading too fast, stopped and checked my purpose for reading the novel, and sometimes read ahead but then came back, This helped me better understand the book because I was constantly checking if it was making sense or not.