Gallistel Perfecto

About Me

Hey, my name is Kelly Perfecto and I am in 7th grade here at Gallistel Language Academy. I am 12 years old. My favorite color is purple. I like to play vollyball and basketball although I am noy good at any of these sports. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. one of my brothers is named Bryan (he is 7 years old) and the other Thomas (he is 5 years old) but my family calls him J.R. since he is named after my dad. My sister's name is Kimberly, she is 3 years old.

My Goals

My goals in life are to continue my sudies so I can complete everything that comes my way. When I grow up I want to be a veterinarian. I want to have this carrer because I love animals and science and if that doesn't work out I want to be a scientist. To achive this goal I want to get into a good high school, High schools like Whitney Young, Jones Payton< and Northside Prep. I hope I do get into one of these high scholls I am going to try my best. When i finish high school i want to get into U.I.C.

This is me when I was younger.

On the one on the left I am 3 months old. On the middle one I am 8 months old. On the one on the right I am 3 years old.