Gallistel Perfecto


The plot is a set or sequence of events that happen in a story. the plot consists of an introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and the resolution. The introdution is when the author introduses the setting, characters, and situation. The rising action are the events that lead up to the climax. The climax is the turning point of the story and is usually when the problem is introduced. The falling action are the events that lead up to the resoulution of the problem. The resolution is how things work out for the main character(s).


The theme is the moral or central idea of a story. The theme can be expressed in a single word or in many. There can be more than one theme in the same story.


The setting is where and when the story takes place. In the setting you are looking at the place, mood , atmosphere. and even the weather. Some authors make the setting of their story very important while others don't. The setting helps the reader picture the situation better.


Confict is the turning point in the story and usually the main character comes face to face witn a problem. The main character changes in a way. There are four types of conficts, character vs character, character vs nature, character vs society, and character vs self. Character vs character is when the main character is in a battle with another character human or animal. Character vs nature is when the main character is in a battle with nature like the weather and climate. Character vs society is when the main character is in a battle with a community, larger group, etc. Character vs self is when the main character is in a battle with themselves

External and Internal Conflict

External conflict exists when a character struggles against some outside force.
Internal conflict exists whithin the mind of the character.


Characters are the people, animals, etc. that are being metioned in the text or story.


The tone is the author's attitude toward the situation. You usually find the tone by the author's choice of words.


The mood is the atmosphere the author creates with his/her language, setting, and situation.


Characterization is when a character tells us about them by what they are saying.

Point of View

There are four point of views, first person, second person, third person limited, and third person omniscent. First person is when the author is telling the story. I, myself, and me are thge usual words when the story is first person point of view. second person is the least common point of view it is when the author tells the story to another character. you is acommon word for second person. Third person limited is when the author only knows the feelings and thoughts of on character. Third person omniscent is when the author knows all the feelings or actions of all the characters. He, sne. and they are words that indicate that the story is third person.


It is when an earlier episode, conversation; or event is inserted in the text or story.


Foreshadowing is a group of hints and clues that let the reader know what is going to happen next or let them know what to expect later in the book.


The distinctive way in which an author uses language, word choice, phrasing, and sentence length.
Denotation- It is a word's dictionary meaning, independant of other associations that the word may have.
Connotation- It is a set of ideas associated with it in adition to it's equisite meaning; ideas that we put in a word to what it really means. 


The feeling of anxious and uncertainty about the outcome of events.


It is the manner in which we express words; the wording used.

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

The major characters were John and Bernard. John was known as the "savage". His character traits are misunderstood,concerned,deppressed,determined, hopeful, guilty,frustrated,popular,sorry, and serious. Bernard is the lonley and miaunderstood one. he's a little bit like John in some ways. His character traits are afraid, cautious, cowardly,miserable, unpopular, secretive, serious, shy, and strange.They are both protantagonists because they try to fight against the world they were living in. Unfortunatly, they failed in doing so. A theme of this novel was death because that was what caused so much drama in the book and it also caused suspence. It is also a theme because that was what caused John to try his hardest in changing the world. The conflict was character vs society and character vs self. Character vs society because John tries to change the world for the better. Character vs self because John feels guilty for the death of his mother and it eventually lead to his own death. The point of view was third person omniscent because Aldous knew what each character introduced was thinking not only one character. The plot was Johnand Bernard trying to convince their "leader" Mustapha Mond that the world could be better if changed. In the beginning Bernard finds John and his mom Linda and takes them to "his" world. Linda is everyday taking soma and too much of it. She eventually dies because of that and John loses his mind and confronts Mustapha with Bernard.They fail and are sent to islands John eventually kills himself when the people from the "other" world won't leave him in peace. A major setting was the island were John was sent. On the island was a lighthouse which was were John lived. He killed himself in that very lighthouse. The book didn;t say were it was located but it was sort of far from London (the "other" world).